
Tuesday Aug 16, 2022
Tuesday Aug 16, 2022
This first chapter of Part Three in the mystical-adventure-trilogy--THE CROW CHILD--is another plot glimpse...
*This was a year of disruption and of change. For those who were selfish--change would bring fear. For those who were selfless--change would bring relief...
**Elijah turns 15 in hospital under the threat of surgery as a returning terrorist group begins a renewed cycle of destruction. Rallying to Crow Child's duty--Elijah faces not only his greatest test, but multiple adversaries and must rely on all of his unique, remarkable powers...
The Crow Child: Todd-Beshore, Sherrie: 9781505318661: Amazon.com: Books
Patchwork Publishing, LLC

Monday Aug 15, 2022
Monday Aug 15, 2022
A glimpse into the plot of this mystical-adventure-trilogy continues with another 'hint' this time from Part Two--"Thanksgiving In St. Louis"...
*With our cries heard above the roar of fire--comes one who hears those cries...With outstretched wings this one who walks as man--sends wind to protect those who cry and silence to punish those who take...
**Part Two: Five months after Elijah Clearwater's 14th birthday a late birthday card arrives in the mail from an American, Aunt Mary, he didn't know he had. This invitation sends Elijah from the relative safety of his home in rural Alberta, Canada to face a much greater test than a local school bully--in his evolution as Crow Child...
[Tomorrow, I'll share the beginning chapter of Part Three.]
The Crow Child: Todd-Beshore, Sherrie: 9781505318661: Amazon.com: Books
Patchwork Publishing, LLC

Wednesday Aug 10, 2022
Wednesday Aug 10, 2022
This is the 3rd chapter in Part One of a three-chapter glimpse into my young-teen mystical adventure--"THE CROW CHILD"
*I created Part One in three distinct segments according to some folklore. I then carried the rest of the book plot for the evolution of "THE CROW CHILD" in two more Parts with Elijah aging in Part Two [Thanksgiving In Saint Louis] to 14 and then 15 in Part Three [The Sound Of Rain] and ending when he is 16. This was deliberate, because in life, we all develop more life 'skills' as we age.
**With so many other high-profile superheroes already fighting injustice using specific gifts--creating unique abilities for Elijah/Crow Child was a challenge, but hopefully you'll be surprised by them...
The Crow Child: Todd-Beshore, Sherrie: 9781505318661: Amazon.com: Books
Patchwork Publishing, LLC

Tuesday Aug 09, 2022
Tuesday Aug 09, 2022
Chapter 2 of Part One for my young teen mystical-adventure trilogy--"THE CROW CHILD"...
*Sometimes we feel small, helpless, at a loss for our direction and purpose then 'something' unexpected happens. Perhaps that 'something' even appears insignificant like a word, an idea, a single thought or maybe a fleeting event. But--if we're paying attention, what 'seems' insignificant might create a change to our entire destiny...
** The plot for "THE CROW CHILD" trilogy-saga is a slight departure for me - into fantasy - though it could be argued that all fiction is fantasy. But just as I gave 'voice' to a delightful character with Down Syndrome in my Middle Grade/young teen mystery series, I give 'voice' to all sick and/or troubled kids via a unique "superhero" born with Cystic Fibrosis... And--in 2019 Story Monsters Ink magazine chose "The Crow Child" a winner of their Purple Dragon Award for children's literature...
The Crow Child: Todd-Beshore, Sherrie: 9781505318661: Amazon.com: Books
Patchwork Publishing, LLC
The plot for "THE CROW CHILD" trilogy-saga is a slight departure for me - into fantasy - though it could be argued that all fiction is fantasy.
But just as I gave 'voice' to a delightful character with Down Syndrome in my Middle Grade/young teen mystery e 'voice' to all sick and/or troubled kids via a unique "superhero" born with Cystic Fibrosis...
Then in 2019 Story Monsters Ink magazine chose "The Crow Child" for their Purple Dragon Award for children's literature...
I give 'voice' to all sick and/or troubled kids via a unique "superhero" born with Cystic Fibrosis...
plot for "THE CROW CHILD" trilogy-saga is a slight departure for me - into fantasy - though it could be argued that all fiction is fantasy.
But just as I gave 'voice' to a delightful character with Down Syndrome in my Middle Grade/young teen mystery series,
Then in 2019 Story Monsters Ink magazine chose "The Crow Child" for their Purple Dragon Award for children's literature...

Monday Aug 08, 2022
Monday Aug 08, 2022
Chapter1 from Part One -- "THE CROW CHILD" -- a young teen mystical-adventure, trilogy...
*Born with Cystic Fibrosis and orphaned when he was three, maybe Elijah Clearwater is the least likely superhero ever or maybe not and an ancient legend is coming true 'through' him...
**Thirteen days before Elijah's 13th birthday he begins to have a series of vivid dreams. His first dream is of a Chieftan leading an ancient clan in 15th Century Ireland. His second dream is of a chief leading a Blackfoot tribe in 18th Century West Central North America. Perhaps his dreams are an outlet for the stress of a school bully -or- perhaps they hint of his unusual destiny...
The Crow Child: Todd-Beshore, Sherrie: 9781505318661: Amazon.com: Books
Patchwork Publishing, LLC

Wednesday Aug 03, 2022
Wednesday Aug 03, 2022
The Chapter 3 'plot-hint' from my Suspense-Thriller novel..."24 SUSSEX DRIVE" offers a more detailed glimpse into Victoria Hamilton's first ordeal--and that local notoriety secures the attention of those searching for someone exactly like her, to further 'their' plan.
*Sometimes the only way to present facts that the majority of people will be able to accept--and perhaps consider--is via fiction.
**Even though there's a plot for these characters to follow 'they' - like the rest of us - are still perplexed by the unexpected then almost overwhelmed by actions that are truly criminally-deceitful because the vast majority of us are trusting and expect others to deal as we do...
24 Sussex Drive: Todd-Beshore, Sherrie: 9781493732395: Amazon.com: Books
Patchwork Publishing, LLC

Tuesday Aug 02, 2022
Tuesday Aug 02, 2022
Today you can listen to - Chapter 2 - from my Suspense-Thriller, "24 SUSSEX DRIVE"...
*With all of the factual research I like to do for my fiction plots--I tend to think of each plot development as a 'building' process. And, a big part of that building process is to create whole believable characters with recognizable qualities we already know. Since my background is geology/science and journalism/columns and features--naturally I draw from that base. I also like [all] my characters [protagonist or antagonist] to be both flawed and polished.
**In this chapter we meet the 'heroine', Victoria Hamilton, a well-educated [former librarian] wife and mother writing for a small-town weekly newspaper. And, we see immediately that she faces a number of dilemmas, she already knows she's ill prepared to resolve. However, she's about to be 'tested' even more...
24 Sussex Drive: Todd-Beshore, Sherrie: 9781493732395: Amazon.com: Books
Patchwork Publishing, LLC

Monday Aug 01, 2022
Monday Aug 01, 2022
Chapter 1 of another set of three plot hints - this time from my Suspense-Thriller "24 SUSSEX DRIVE"...
*The Cold-War never really ended it went underground and waited morphing and reorganizing into something far more treacherous.
**24 Sussex Drive is the official residence of the Canadian Prime Minister. And - the peaceful democracy that shelters thousands of the world's refugees has been infiltrated by a silent invisible invasion. After WWII a secret elite in Stalin's Russian military devised a strategy to gain political control of the passive North American democracy - Canada.
By 1977 the twenty-year ploy had been so effective that enough sleeper agents were living and working at all key levels of Canadian society to launch the unprecedented coup - except for one element, a puppet prime minister. With the 'puppet' identified - by 1982 the target goes about her business as if she has complete freewill. But when events Victoria Hamilton can neither understand nor explain begin to steer her previously well-ordered life from local to national prominence, initial frustration turns to alarm. However, the puppeteers may have underestimated their own target, but that doesn't mean the plan isn't still working...
24 Sussex Drive: Todd-Beshore, Sherrie: 9781493732395: Amazon.com: Books
Patchwork Publishing, LLC

Wednesday Jul 27, 2022
Wednesday Jul 27, 2022
Chapter 3 from "YEAR OF THE DOG" ends the plot-hints for this sequel to "The Count Of Baldpate"...If by now you're intrigued even more--this mystery-suspense-thriller is available in both digital and print/book format...
**Research for this novel 'took' me to many sources and while this concept has left me troubled, I felt committed to continue and finish--what I started. As consumers, as citizens of not just one country, but the entire planet, we truly have been too trusting for too long. In the future perhaps instead of mechanically trusting those in authority or positions of influence--'we' require of them proof that 'they' deserve our trust....
Year Of The Dog: Todd-Beshore, Sherrie: 9781726200455: Amazon.com: Books
Patchwork Publishing, LLC

Tuesday Jul 26, 2022
Tuesday Jul 26, 2022
Chapter 2 of my Suspense-Thriller--"YEAR OF THE DOG" takes a sudden turn in an unexpected direction--which is the object of a mystery plot after all.
In this sequel a number of the main characters from "The Count Of Baldpate" return [along with some new ones] to tackle another unusual, but threatening puzzle...Enjoy...
Year Of The Dog: Todd-Beshore, Sherrie: 9781726200455: Amazon.com: Books
Patchwork Publishing, LLC